CHOIR: Coalition for the Atlantic Herring Fishery's Orderly, Informed, and Responsible Long-Term Development


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Joint Herring OS/AP Meeting on July 30th

July 28, 2008

On July 30th there will be a Joint Herring Oversight Committee/Advsiroy Panel Meeting at 9:30am in Portland, ME.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:


-Review and discuss all scoping comments received regarding Amendment 4 to the
Herring Fishery Management Plan (FMP)

-Review background information about observer coverage and monitoring/reporting issues (as available)

-Work on the development of management alternatives for further consideration in Amendment 4 to the Herring FMP; the Committee and AP may discuss measures to address monitoring and reporting requirements, observer coverage, shoreside monitoring and sampling, annual catch limits (ACLs) and accountability measures (AMs), measures to address herring bycatch concerns in the Atlantic mackerel fishery, and individual and group quota allocation programs (IFQs and sectors, for example), as well as other measures that were suggested for consideration during the scoping process

-Develop Committee recommendations for Council consideration in October regarding the specific management measures to be considered further in Amendment 4

Meeting Location:

Holiday Inn by the Bay
88 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04101
Telephone: (207) 775-2311; Fax: (207) 761-8224

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